“Let the Budget Leave its Sense”

Human Resources for Health Coalition, a grouping of health service providers have pleaded with parliament to help in safeguarding the financial allocation towards the sector for effective service delivery.

7,000 mt of Maize Rotten

It has transpired that 7 thousand metric tons of maize which ADMARC purchased within the country in 2015 has rotten in its reserves.

MISA Malawi Condemns Assault of Journalists by Protesters

Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) - Malawi has condemned physical and indecent assault of two journalists; Golden Matonga of Nation Publications Limited and Gladys Nthenda of kulinji.com by some demonstrators during protests organized by the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) on Wednesday.

HRDC Banks Hope in Parliament

Human Rights Defenders Coalition has presented a petition to parliament in its ongoing attempt to have the Malawi Election Commission (MEC) resign or fired.

Security Agents Roll Out Cross-Border Crime Operation

In a bid to combat cross-border crimes along Biriwiri Border Post in Ntcheu, three security agents in the district have rolled out an operation on the same.

Increased Mental Health Cases Worry Authorities in Chikwawa

Health authorities at Ngabu Rural Hospital in Chikwawa have complained of increasing cases of mental health as statistics indicate that they treat 280 patients every month.

Man Dupes Chiefs through Trickery

Police in Salima have arrested a man on charges of a suspected theft by trickery and impersonating a public officer.

“Prophet” Sabao, Three Others Deny Charges

The Lilongwe Resident Magistrate court has adjourned to 19 September, 2019 hearing of a case involving controversial Prophet Chimwemwe Seer Sabao and two others on accounts of forgery, uttering false documents and theft.

UNESCO Calls for Inclusion of other Languages in Education

United Nation Education, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO)  Acting Deputy  Executive Secretary in Malawi David Mulera has said  some languages in the country are gradually dying  out because they are not being used in education and do not have relevant materials to sustain the languages. 

Mugabe Stood for Africa’s Independence – APM

President Peter Mutharika has described the late Robert Mugabe as a man who stood for independence of Africa; politically and economically.

Chilima Withdraws 34 Witnesses

Lawyer for Dr. Saulos Chilima in the on-going presidential election case, Dr. Chikosa Silungwe, says his side will not parade 34 of the witnesses they had lined up to testify.

CSONA Intensify Malnutrition Awareness in Ntcheu

Civil Society Organization Nutrition Alliance (CSONA) has embarked on community sensitization campaign aimed at empowering the citizenry to engage duty bearers in Ntcheu district.

Early Marriages Fueling Abuses in Machinga

Early marriages are said to be fueling abuses against children and young women in Machinga.

CCJP Takes Legal Services to Rural Areas

Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) has introduced a legal representation system where it is using paralegals to represent the marginalized population in rural areas in accessing Justice through a three year project called "paralegal".

Irrigation Farming Under-developed in Ntcheu

Agriculture authorities in Ntcheu say irrigation farming is facing hurdles due to a lack of adequate resource as the office is failing to meet and cover all land which has potential for irrigation in the district.

125 Suicide Cases Registered in 13 Months

About 125 people have committed suicide between September 2018 to June 2019 in this country. Of these only four are women.

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