Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Elijah Phompho

Elijah Phompho
A total of 438 boreholes were destroyed by the cyclone Freddy induced floods in the lower shire districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa leaving close to 87 000 house holds destitute in accessing clean and potable water, Zodiak has established.
Inkosi Goman of the Maseko Ngoni has called on tribal groupings in the country to be in the fore front in doing charity works especially during the time of natural disasters by cheering those who have been affected.

Government has come under heavy criticism from the Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) as well as the Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) for failing to honour its obligation to sponsor two delegates from the two unions to attend the International Labour Conference currently underway in Geneva Switzerland.

Law enforcers in Chiradzulu have disclosed that the district has registered a sharp increase in crime rates between March and May 2023.

Parliamentarian for Blantyre City South Constituency, Noel Lipipa, has expressed desire for his constituency to be a model in as far as the prudent utilisation of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is concerned.

The Black Indigenous Business Network of Malawi a grouping of Malawian owned enterprises has challenged the cyclone Freddy Survivors to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship.

About 27 students undergoing an Integrated Social Protection (ISP) course at Magomero Community College in Chiradzulu have blamed the college authorities for delaying payment of their field placement allowances a development the students fear will affect their overall performance.

About 450 people from the areas of Group Village,  Headman Namulu, and Traditional Authority Kadewere in Chiradzulu are expected to venture into various small-scale businesses after being provided with the start-up capital.

Emmanuel University has vowed to enhance adherence to the guidelines, the Ministry of Education has instituted to ensure that learners in about ten southern region districts whose schools were closed due to Cyclone Freddy catch up with the time lost.

Sons and daughters of Chiradzulu, a grouping of people who have the origins of the district, has urged people who have not directly been affected by the cyclone Freddy and are living either within or outside the districts to be on the fore front in identifying long term solutions for the problem.

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