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SA Witnesses To Testify Physically in Bushiri Case

SA Witnesses To Testify Physically in Bushiri Case

The Lilongwe High Court has on Monday ordered South African witnesses in Prophet Shepherd Bushiri's extradition case to physically come to Malawi and testify before the Chief Resident Magistrate Court.

The ruling follows an appeal the Bushiris made against an earlier ruling by the magistrate court that witnesses should testify in South Africa.

According to the judgement, the witnesses to the extradition hearing are reprensantatives of the South African government, who will be able to satisfy the court that their request meets all the requirements under Section 6 of the Extradition Act and answer questions and be cross-examined by the fugitive offenders.

"The witnesses to the extradition hearing will testify physically in the presence of the Chief Resident Magistrate here in Malawi on a date and time to be appointed by the court," reads the ruling.

In an interview, Bushiri's lawyer welcomed the ruling saying the court has granted our prayer for the witnesses to come to Malawi and testify physically.

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Last modified on Monday, 13/02/2023

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