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Conservation Of Environment A Need To the Youths

Conservation Of Environment A Need To the Youths

A local organization Kuwala has tipped the youths in the country to always take issues concerning conservation of the environment at heart.

Organisation’s Digital Marketer Esther Mbale, said it is key to take care of the environment as they do not have another planet.

Mbale said, “back then we used to say that the youths are the future leaders but this has changed, they are the current leaders and as such they have to be in the forefront conserving the environment.”

“This will help the next generation to have a better life with minimal climatic shocks,” she said.

The remarks were made on Friday in Lilongwe during a tree planting exercise.

Over 300 trees were planted along the Lilongwe River in support of the city council’s five-year initiative of turning the city green.

Council’s Environmental Officer Cedric Tambala said so far, they have managed to plant over 90 thousand trees.

“We believe that this time around the survival rate of the trees will increase because we have set in place measures such as organizations which have taken part in the exercise are adopting the trees for easy management,” Tambala said.

In the five-year initiative, the Lilongwe City Council is expected to plant trees along its five rivers, Lilongwe, Lingadzi, Mchesi, Nankhaka and Chankhandwe.

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Last modified on Friday, 28/07/2023

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