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Ministry of Education Applauds AMAA Project

The ministry of education says it is ready to adopt the Azibambo Angwiro concept under the Apatseni Mwayi Atsikana Apunzire AMAA project to reach out to men in their efforts to improve the education of the girl child.

Deputy minister of education Honorable Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima said the project has gone beyond promoting the girl child education by consolidating families.

“This project has been a huge success in trying to address the challenge of poverty by providing bursaries to teen mothers and putting our girls in school.

“But most recommended is the fact that they are consolidating families and creating a progressive environment for the girl child to pursue her education,” the deputy minister said.

One of the beneficiaries of the AMAA project Veronica Chinomba said the project has given her hope to have a better future.

This Project has helped me in my education because when I was at home I couldn’t do anything. But since I am back at school through the AMAA project’s help it means I can be able to be anything I want to be. Education is the key to becoming anything you want to be,” said Chinomba.

The AMAA project which is being facilitated by Save the Children started in 2017 and is being concluded at the end of September this year, had extra-curricular activities tackling Sexual Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS and Life Skills.

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