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Mobile Telecommunication Operators Adhere To Tariff Reduction Directive

Gama says the move is a step towards the right direction in facilitating  cheaper means of communication Gama says the move is a step towards the right direction in facilitating cheaper means of communication - file photo

The Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has disclosed that most individual telecommunication operators in the country have adhered to its directive to revise downwards voice and text message charges.

This follows the telecommunications operator’s decision to revise downwards the SMS and Voice interconnection charges from K20.72 to K0.32 per SMS and K5. 80 per minute to K 1. 55 per minute respectively between 2023 to 2025.

MACRA’ s Comunications Manager, Zamdziko Mankhambo has told Zodiak Online Monday that following the decision, phone users are being charged K52 per minute on voice calls from the initial standard rate of K 55 on an airtel line and K50 per minute from the initial standard rate of K53 per minute on a TNM line.

On SMS charges Mankhambo added that, the major telecommunication providers have reduced their above K20 standard rates to the current standard rates of K12 per SMS. He also said data charges have been slashed from K5 per megabyte to around K2.80 per megabyte.

“So we can safely say there has been an overwhelming response on our tarifFs reduction on the part of operators. The trend is expected to continue like that till 2023”,said Mankhambo.

Meanwhile, president for the ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) Clarence Gama says the move is a step towards the right direction in facilitating  cheaper means of communication there by accelerating the social economic development in the country.

Social Commentator Victor  Chipofya Junior says the development has come at a right time as the cost of living continues to skyrocket.

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