Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Localization and Anticipatory Action Project Taken to the People in Neno

Beyond Our Hearts Foundation with financial support from Save the Children-Italy on Monday and Tuesday conducted Community Entry and Sensitization on Localization project under the frame "Transforming Local Institutions through Empowerment for Disaster Management and Climate Resilience/Tiyende Pamodzi and Anticipatory Action."

RED Saves Young People from Jaws of Poverty

When life seemed to become meaningless among the young people in Zomba, the Resilient Economic Development (RED) project brought in some sense to it.

SCI Collaborates With NN Council in Disaster Response

The Neno district council with logistical support from Save the Children-Italy through Beyond Our Hearts Foundation on Monday conducted an assessment to establish the extent of damage caused by strong winds coupled with heavy rains that fell over the weekend.

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