Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Bt DHO Integrates Cholera and Covid 19 Vaccines Administration

Officials at Blantyre District Health Office say with around 8, 000 cholera doses in stock, they have stepped up efforts to integrate cholera and Covid vaccines to ensure that people access the vaccines and contain the diseases.

Blantyre Recorded 2 New Cholera Cases

Two new cholera cases have been registered in Blantyre, bringing recorded cases to 518 with six deaths in the district.

Nyasa Manufacturing Company Mask Up BT DHO

Nyasa Manufacturing Company (NMC) has presented 50, 000 surgical masks to Blantyre District Health Office in its drive to curb further spread of COVID-19.

Health Workers Petition Authorities on COVID-19 Scare

Cases of COVID-19 among health workers in Blantyre have created distress among junior health workers under the district health office.


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