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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3212)

Suspected Cattle Rustler Arrested in Mulanje

Police in Mulanje have arrested a man suspected to be a cattle rustler.

Health Workers Strike at Chikwawa District Hospital

Health Workers have put down tools at Chikwawa District Hospital in an attempt to push government to provide the staff with personal protective equipment in the wake of COVID-19.

Mangochi CTC Develops Modern Hand washing Machine

As part of enhancing mitigation measures against the spread of the Coronavirus in the country, students at Mangochi Community Technical College have come up with an improved version of a hand washing facility.

Fisheries Dept Probes Fish Killing in Shire River

The department of fisheries has launched an investigation to find out what has killed a lot of fish in Shire river on Saturday in Chikwawa district.

10 Years IHL for Defilement

A 53-year-old man in Mangochi will spend the next decade Imprisonment with Hard Labor (IHL) after a magistrate’s court in the district on Thursday slapped him with a 10-year jail sentence for defiling a 10-year-old girl.

ZA Eyes MCHS as COVID-19 Isolation Center

Zomba Central Hospital says is planning to make part of Malawi College of Health Sciences to be used as an isolation center for Covid-19 in case the hospital receives cases.

Chiefs, Councilors Tussle at Meeting

Commotion marred the Chikwawa full council emergency meeting on Friday when councilors and chiefs traded barbs as the councilors refused to discuss the COVID-19 preventive tough measures without a report from health and environment service committee.

Police Urged to Avoid COVID-19

A senior nurse at Mulanje District Hospital on Thursday urged police officers and Community Police Forum to observe hygiene practices to avoid coronavirus.

One-Acre Fund Fights against COVID-19 in MJ

An agriculture organization- One Acre Fund on Thursday presented 106 cartons of soap towards COVID-19 prevention plan in Mulanje district.

Crops Submerge as Lake Malawi Swells in Mangochi

Over 170 hectares of crops along Lake Malawi in Mangochi have been affected following the continuous swelling of the Lake which has resulted in submerging of the crops.

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