Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Happy Njalam'mano

Happy Njalam'mano

Sena Universe, a Shire valley urban music grouping has disclosed that it will soon release its first ever EP titled Nthawi.

A group of some medical doctors has come up with a website which will elaborate various issues pertaining access to health information.

Maranatha Girls Academy is hosting Form 4 students from Finish Line Secondary School who are sitting for the Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations.

Maranatha International Academy has awarded best performing Form 4 students as they await the Malawi School Certificate of Education examination.

When life seemed to become meaningless among the young people in Zomba, the Resilient Economic Development (RED) project brought in some sense to it.

World Connect Malawi has supported 418 Cyclone Freddy household survivors from seven districts to rebuild their lives.

Reason for Patricia to Smile

Patricia Wyson was sad when she gave birth to her first-born daughter, Triza, who was born with a disability.

The Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA) annual meetings have been set to take place from 3 to 9 June, 2023 at the Bingu Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

The Scottish Government has provided £200, 000 through Save the Children (STC) to support Cyclone Freddy survivors in Zomba in three areas of food security, water and sanitation and nutrition.

PRISAM Expands Base

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has launched its chapter in Lilongwe with a call for schools to join and benefit from it.


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