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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3212)

Parties Mum on Alliance Terms

Two major political alliances continue to remain silent on terms in their alliances as they race against time ahead of the Fresh Presidential Election on July 2, 2020.

BT DHO Pleads for More support

Director of Health and Social Services in Blantyre, Dr Gift Kawalazira, says there is a need for more health support such as the Personal Protective Equipment as most (PPE) is disposable.

APM Apologizes to Churches over Police Action

President Arthur Peter Mutharika has apologized to churches in Balaka after police on Sunday chased worshipers as part of efforts against spread of Corona virus.

NICE Goes Social for FPE

National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has started sensitizing masses about the ongoing voter registration exercise in readiness for the Fresh Presidential Election (FPE) on social media.

Limbe Auction Floors Opens

AHL Group has opened the Limbe Auction Floors to mark the beginning of this year’s tobacco selling season for the Floors.

Pastors Ask for COVID-19 Funding

The Chikwawa Pastors Fraternal has asked government and well-wishers to financially support pastors amid calls that they need to close the churches as preventive measures against COVID-19.

HLB Sanitizes Mlambe Hospital

An international audit and accounting company, HLB Reliance Malawi, on Friday donated sanitary items to Mlambe hospital in Blantyre in its quest to fight Corona virus in the country.

Tubers Kill 3 in Chikwawa

Three people from the same family in Chikwawa have died after eating poisonous wild tubers as hunger is reportedly causing havoc there.

Poisonous Wild Tubers Kill Three in Chikwawa

Three people from the same family in Chikwawa have died after eating poisonous wild tubers as hunger is reportedly causing havoc there.

WVM Bails out Balaka DHO on Covid 19 Management

Amid scarcity of personal prevention equipment in several health facilities, World vision Malawi has bailed out Balaka District Health Office with infection prevention materials, training and public awareness services.

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